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IMDB Top 250 Movies

250 59

Created by ACdb

The best movies of all time according to IMDB.

Trending Movies

137 35

Created by ACdb

Films that are currently experiencing a surge in popularity.

Trending TV Shows

132 26

Created by ACdb

TV series that are currently experiencing a surge in popularity.

Greatest Sci-Fi of All Time

150 19

Created by ACdb

The 150 Greatest Science Fiction Movies of All Time according to Rolling Stone Magazine. The best sci-fi films from the beginning of the movies until now.

Oscars 2025

50 14

Created by ACdb

Nominees from the 97th Academy Awards.

So Bad They're Good

1363 11

Created by ACdb

Gloriously Terrible: Where the worst films become legendary entertainment.


44 10

Created by ACdb

All the Pixar movies.

Mindfuck Movies

282 9

Created by superiorChile6

A Growing Collection of Mindfuck Movies!

Comedy Picks of the Day

20 8

Created by ACdb

A selection of great comedy refreshed every 12 hours.

Apple TV

100 179 7

Created by ACdb

A mix of new and popular Apple TV movies and shows.

Kids Trending

13 78 7

Created by ACdb

A combination of trending and popular kids shows and movies.


99 6

Created by ACdb

Narratives drawn from history, biography, and headline news.


500 699 6

Created by ACdb

A mix of new and popular Netflix movies and shows.


1010 436 6

Created by ACdb

A selection of the latest and greatest movies and shows on HBO Max.

Best Documentaries

515 5

Created by ACdb

A dynamic list of the the best documentaries of all time until today. Rated at least 7.8 out of 10.

Top Horrors All Time

378 5

Created by ACdb

The best horrors of all time until today. Rated at least 6.5.

Fresh Releases

30 5

Created by ACdb

Freshest Movies from Rotten Tomatoes.

Stephen King

98 5

Created by ACdb

Movies and series written by The King of Horror.

Amazon Prime

200 300 5

Created by ACdb

A selection of the latest and greatest movies and shows on Amazon Prime.

Mini Series Premiers

53 5

Created by ACdb

US and UK mini series from the last 365 days.